Thursday, November 22, 2007


" And yet ,with a strange, sudden intensity, that's exactly what i wanted. I wanted to talk to a normal human girl-friend. I wanted to moan a little bit, like any other teenage girl. I wanted my problems to be that simple. It would also be nice to have someone outside the whole vampire-werewolf mess to put things in perspective. Someone unbaised." (Meyer 135)

As a resuly of Bella's recent problems in her fictional-type world, she is thoroughly spent. Physically, she is inept to function with life's daily activities, but mentally Bella is a totally different person. A part of her is always with Edward, attached in all the petty ways that define love. Subconciously, Bella is connected with Jacob, as a friend who she she will never separate from and therefore communatively in love with. This struggle, as well as the additional conflict of watching out for herself as a greater war rages on is why this quote is so significant. I think that for once, Bella wants to step away from her life and be normal. Like many people do when life gets to tough, they see another person living a simple life and wish they could fill their shoes. For a moment, Bella contemplates her wish to be disassociated from the vampires and werewolfs and instead affliated with the sterotypical problems associated with teenagers. However, she doesn't want to leave her world completely. I think Bella wants to look at her capricious situation from another perspective so that the decisions she makes will be 100% justified and innocuous.

1 comment:

Claire L. said...

So, Minisha, what did you think of the book? I know your more of a Jacob person.