Saturday, September 29, 2007

Bloody Mary

Im writing my memoir right now and Im kind of actually having a lot of fun. I find myself reenacting what really happened the day i got into trouble. It was soooooo funny that i look back on it and I could laugh myself to tears. I was soooo naive and innocent. But, i have no idea how to introduce it and mine is kind of long so i'll have to work on shortening it.

Anyways, im writing about how in third grade i had heard the myth about bloody mary. I believed it and told all my friends. Two of my friends and I (i don't know who came up with the idea) but we decided we would try it at school in the bathroom because there was a mirror. So, after telling everyone we were going to do it of course, we brave souls went in and said bloody mary three times, each progresively louder while looking into the mirror without blinking. I remember us screaming and running into the bathrrom stalls and then turning the lights on and running back out where everyone was like waiting for us. We sure felt like heroes and claimed to have seen Bloody Mary. But later that day, I went to the principals and he told me i was in trouble because I was not supposed to turn off the lights in the bathroom. And on top of that he said my story had scared other kids. I also realized that someone had told on us and i found out who later. But i went home that day really scared because i didn't know what my parents would say but they just laughed so it was all good!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Yo Termino.

I finished the book New Moon and here is what i thought of it right after i finished:

1.) Bella is horrible. She just forgets her friend Jacob and goes with Edward. I mean come on.
2.) I dislike Edward. I think he is just a nusiance in her life. AFter her little fling with Jacob, I really didn't think he needed to make an appearance. (however, now i think a little differently)
3.) I really wanted Jacob and Bella to hook up. It was such a perfect match.
4.) Bella was pretty stupid to jump off the cliff because after she did, it says she saw something yellow, and it was VICTORIA! that was soooo scary.
5.)I guess I can empathize with Bella for being depressed after Edward left her. That was a pretty nasty way to leave.

Questions I have for Eclipse:

1.) Will Bella ever become a vampire? if so, who will bite her? if not, then what?
2.) Will edward and bella get married and have vampire babies? (haha)
3.) What will become of Jacob in the next one? Will Bella find a balance between her best friend and her lover? Or will one preside over the other? And if so, who will Bella choose?
4.) How will the animosty between the werewolves and vampires play out?
5.) What role will the Volturi have, if any

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Fear of the Unknown...

I think the only reason people are scared of something else is because they don't understand or can't comprehend it. Like in Black Boy, by Richard Wright, Richard is scared to sleep in his bed the second the neighbor tells him a boy died in the very room he was sleeping. Granted that death is a scary concept, especially to a twelve year old, Richard is scared of a concept many people find hard to grasp.

But say that hypothetically, Richard acheived a state of mind where he learned to accept death. Do you think that if Richard grasped the realilty that everyone has to die, he would STILL be scared of sleeping in the room? Would he be scared of anything?? hmmm...

New Moon. by Stephanie Meyer

I'm reading the second book in the Twilight series, New Moon and I am currently on Chapter 3.
First, let me inform you (if you didn't already know) that these books are arguably the BEST fictional books ever read. (BESIDES HP, of course) and if you haven't read them, you are missing out on a part of your life, so get started. BUT i don't think this is a guys book at all because it has a lot of romance. I'm not trying to say that guys don't like romance but it might not be as interesting for you. On the other hand, if you want, READ IT!

Ok, so the book begins where it is Bella Swan's eighteenth birthday. This is devastating for her because it means that she is older than her boyfriend Edward. Because I will do the honor of not revealing the book, Edward has been 17 for more than like a 100 years and has certain charatersitcs which suggest that he is not human. Anyway, Edward thinks that turning 18 is petty compared to the joy that Bella has given him in his life. However, Bella thinks otherwise. She becomes moody when Edward tells her that they are throwing a HUGE B-day bash at his house for her. Reluctantly, Bella attends and soon it is time for her b-day presents, which she stubbornly accepts. During this present opening, Bella gives her self a paper cut. This engenders a blood-thirsty reaction from Edward's brother, Jasper. While the whole family restrains Jasper from attacking, Carlisle cleans up her wound and soon after leaves even more despondant and frightened than when she arrived.

That is where I am at in the story.
I thought that it was soo wierd that Bella got a paper but and it started like DRIPPING blood. I mean come on, a paper cut is soo small. And I think the fact that Bella is now older than Edward will affect how they react to one another from now on.

Ok, i tried not to give it away but this story is about vampires, but they are good vampires. Jasper is the youngest one who still cannot control his lust for human blood when he sees it. Everyone else in the family can.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


I just downloaded Google Chat today and I must say that it is a very interesting mechanism. ITS SWEET! I think that it is 10 times better than aim and i admit that it is pretty addictive. So, beware of this device because it may cause overenjoyment. That is all for now. The weekend went by too fast, as always. But the football game on friday was fun, plus we won which was good to see. 4-0! woohoo. I'm so excited for school tomorrow!.....please tell me you caught the sarcasm there.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

First blog.

testing. testing...This is a pretty cool experience. I think I am going to like blogging. out.