Thursday, September 20, 2007

Fear of the Unknown...

I think the only reason people are scared of something else is because they don't understand or can't comprehend it. Like in Black Boy, by Richard Wright, Richard is scared to sleep in his bed the second the neighbor tells him a boy died in the very room he was sleeping. Granted that death is a scary concept, especially to a twelve year old, Richard is scared of a concept many people find hard to grasp.

But say that hypothetically, Richard acheived a state of mind where he learned to accept death. Do you think that if Richard grasped the realilty that everyone has to die, he would STILL be scared of sleeping in the room? Would he be scared of anything?? hmmm...

1 comment:

natalia said...

I think that you make a really good point, it's definably something I've never thought about, but I don't think that is always true. There are times when people fear something only because they don't know anything about it, like you said. But, hypothetically, if someone were in a tree, and were afraid of falling you couldn't say that was fear of the unknown. That would be fear of pain. I think there are times when your theory doesn't work.