Tuesday, October 23, 2007


When you think of a Squid, what do you think of? A translucent invertabrae harmlessly navigating the myraid of creatures that inhabit the deep and dark depths of the world's oceans? (WOW. that sounds very professional! =D) Well, the Squid actually exists in many shapes and forms. There are over 280 species of Squid today. They belong to the animal class- cephalopods which also include octopuses and and cuttlefish. You can idenitfy a Squid if it has: 8 legs, two long feeding arms, parrot-like beaks, and THREE HEARTS! There are so many Squids in the Ocean but many people are only familiar with the Giant Squid which can be 12 ft long and 150 lbs! Looking at the pictures of Squids, I realized that I had never closely looked at the species before. Whenever i heard the word Squid, I would get a vague image of a whitish elongated jellyfish type creature. But these pictures depicted solid and intimidating creatures that loomed dangerously waiting to jump at the nearest prey.


Hanlon, Roger T., and John B. Messenger. Cephalopod Behaviour. Cambridge University Press, 1996.

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