Saturday, March 15, 2008

Blog Post #9

I finished the Book Thief. It had a really really really despondant ending.
Hans Hubermann returns to the relief of both Rosa and Liesel. However, his reason is one of chance. On one of his missions, his group was sitting in a tank when Reinold Zucker, a very cantankerous young lad demanded that he switch seats with Hans and sit in the front of the tank. Well, as they were riding along, the tank's wheel was punctured and the driver lost control. The vehicle flipped many times and when all was still, the men stood shaken by the crash and all looked at the dead corpse of Reinold. Luckily, Hans only suffered a broken leg and was sent home. Leisel is caught stealing books, however Ilsa Herman, the vitim is extremely kind and has known all along that Liesel was entering the library. There are alot more important things that happen but the saddest most depressing part of the book is at the end when the town of Molching is bombed abruptly without any sirens warning the residents. Liesel happened to be in her basement reading, and this is what saved her. All of her friends and family died, but her. And of course, following the aftermath, she finds Rudy's body and kisses him... finally.

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