Saturday, February 16, 2008

Blog Post #2

I just finished reading a book called MAD DOGS by Robert Muchamore. It is the 8th book in an AMAZING SERIES! It is about kid spies (except they are wayyyy advanced) who infiltrate some gangs and try to learn enough inside information to break them up and arrest the leaders. The main characters are: James, Micheal, Gabrielle, Bruce, Kerry, Major Dee, Sasha Thompson. The 3 gangs' names are: The slasher boys who use machetes and knives as choice of weapons. The Runts who are a neighborhood boy gang. And a newly created MAd Dog gang. They are all very immersed in illegal drug trade, robberies, thefts, everything you can think of. James and Bruce are trained in a group called CHERUB. They go in undercover and make friends with gang members and have to provve their alliance, loyalty and skill. There is also very comedic romance in the book!

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