Thursday, October 18, 2007

What you it really what you don't have?

I'm rereading New Moon and I thought of an interesting question: Do people really think that what they don't have is what they want?

Bella really wants to become a vampire. "And i supposed...if i could be sure of the future i wanted, sure that i would get to spend forever with Edward, and Alice and the rest of the Cullens..." (Meyer 10) She thinks that to become one is no problem and it will be easy to emulate into the Cullen's lifestyle. However, she is not thinking of any consequences that Edward or she may face. It is harder than she thinks and i doubt that becoming a vampire is something that will please Bella in the long-run.

I could probably relate to Bella in some way. I know i have wanted a lot of things in my life that i don't have. But these things are not really what i wanted. What i really wanted was maybe the satisfaction of obtaing it or just the momentary feeling of happiness.

What about you? Is what you don't have, really the thing you want? or is it something else?

1 comment:

Claire L. said...

That's a good question. And to be honest, I don't really know the answer. Though, I seems that that's the case wiht most people. Human nature I guess.