Saturday, October 6, 2007


I just finished reading Hop-Frog by Edgar Allen Poe and it is pretty interesting. As you all have probably read, Tell-Tale Heart, Edgar Allen Poe's stories usually include death that is acted out in vengence but then is reflected on by morals. Well, in this story there is a little dwarf named Hop-Frog. He is always playing the subservient character to the kings and his faithful servants. So, one day the king calls on him for ideas. The king is hosting a big costume party and wants his outfit to be the most unique out of all the guests. After a couple of drinks, Hop-Frog saw this as the perfect opportinity for revenge and comes up with a marvelous idea. They would dress up as the "eight chained ourangs-outrangs" which required lots of specific garments and elusive preperations.

...To find out what happens to them at the party you have to read it. I couldn't possibly describe it as well as Edgar Allen Poe.

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